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Map of Turtles in Lincoln Park Area

As out map shows, there isn't a separation of the main habitats of Painted Turtles and Red-Eared Slider around Lincoln Park. They interact with eachother regularly, sharing the same basking logs and swimming in the same areas.

As this chart shows, we observed a very even distribution of the two main species of turtle in the bodies of water around Lincoln Park. The one "Other" option is the turtle of unknown species that we encountered.

This data illustrates that most turtles spend their time basking in the mornings, which is when we collected our data. This makes sense, as turtles bask most of the day to warm up. The swimming turtles that we saw may have been hunting, or they may have just been avoiding disturbance by people who got too close to their basking place.

Our estimate size of the turtles shows that most of the turtles are between 6-7 inches in length, which is an average adult size for Painted Turtles and Red-Eared Sliders. We saw a few baby turtles, and also some larger ones, so there is a good spread of turtles of different sizes in these bodies of water.

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